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Seminars Attended

If you are interested in Object-Oriented UX and are looking for ways to apply the methodologies, you're in luck! OOUX and Notion go hand-in-hand; exploring one will help you build mastery of the other. Diving into Notion is a way to apply OOUX in the wild and practice creating and manipulating systems.

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We will use the OOUX process to map a simple system for project management and then design the system in Notion by:

(1) creating an object map,
(2) seeing how the object map translates to a table/database in Notion, and
(3) exploring how to represent the information to create a user-friendly dashboard with Notion's UI.

You will walk away with tools to start building systems in Notion using OOUX methodologies. Prior knowledge of OOUX and Notion is helpful but not necessary.

Lisa is a UX Designer and Certified OOUX Strategist with a background in math and science education and curriculum design. Her love for OOUX began while designing curriculum, and she realized that the process could help the team and company find clarity and create a cohesive product for teachers and students. Once she saw the parallels between Notion and OOUX, she was hooked and hasn't looked back.

Project Management

How are you curious? What does curiosity mean to you? What does curiosity have to do with information architecture?

Cu·ri·os·i·ty: the pleasure of asking, exploring, experimenting, discovering, learning, and understanding

Curiosity means to be prepared to go on a journey of which you do not know the outcome. To challenge what you – and others – think you have known so far. To change perspective and perceive other points of view.

Being curious gives us the opportunity to reach out beyond what we have been aware of so far, to create new connections and relationships, with other people, from other backgrounds, disciplines, or parts of the world.

As information architects, we develop strategies to understand what we are trying to structure. By giving information structure, we learn to understand. We do this to encourage others to explore and understand. By being curious, we recognize our own and others’ discovery strategies.

This year gives us the chance to find out how others are dealing with the restrictions we are facing due to the pandemic, to reimagine World IA Day and information architecture, and to find new ways to be curious.

Information Architecture

Join us for this exciting talk with speaker Renee Reid as she sheds light on a topic often left in the dark. We’re frequently told throughout our careers that managing people is the only path to success. Frankly, not all people are fit to manage other people—and that’s okay! In this discussion, Renee highlights her career success and provides ways to help UX practitioners navigate a path to leadership at an individual contributor level.

About the Speaker:

Renee Reid is the Staff UX Design Researcher at LinkedIn, leading research on identity, reputation, and consumer flagship initiatives. She has spoken at conferences such as Black is Tech, In Visible Talks, AfroTech, and more. Renee has also been featured in Technically Speaking with Harrison Wheeler, Time4Coffee, and Revision Path. Not only that, Renee also hosts Tech Wrap Queen, a podcast about tech, design, and culture.


The distribution of COVID19 vaccines is an unprecedented logistical and information architecture challenge. Multiple organizations, user roles, devices, and moving parts must be orchestrated to make this work safely and effectively. At this Happy Hour, we are getting serious, and getting into the weeds on some crazy complexity. Pour yourself a drink.

Sophia Prater (our host and chief OOUX evangelist) will give a short talk on what causes complexity and how to tackle it. The she'll actually walk the walk! Taking what we know about how vaccine doses will be distributed, monitored, kept incredibly cold, administered, tracked, and followed up on, we will go through the ORCA Discovery process in a shared MURAL board and see how far we can get in tackling this problem.

Information Architecture

You'll learn:
💪 How to use object mapping to track which user roles can see, create, edit, or delete every attribute in a complex system.
🤯 Different kinds of permissions needed in an application.
😱How object type, state, status, and stage can affect permissions.

We’ll be getting way down into the details, but you don’t have to be an OOUX master to enjoy this talk! There’s something for everyone here. We’re exploring uncharted territory, so bring your curiosity and be ready for a good discussion.

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