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Seminars Attended

Introduction to Mentorship
November 24, 2020
Online Event

Mentorship can be a wonderful opportunity to leverage and challenge all your skills from design to communication. Most mentoring relationships rely heavily on the traditional roles of mentor as expert and mentee as student. Mentors lead and mentees follow. What if we challenged those roles and created a whole new way to partner together?

We will explore the many facets of mentorship and how UX professionals can leverage the power of partnerships, growth, and service to propel your career in the direction of your choice while dancing to your own tune.

Annual UX Brunch
November 15, 2020
Online Event

A November Thanksgiving Sunday Brunch is a long-standing LTUX ATL tradition. This year, we will be going virtual, but that does not mean we can’t still get together to feel the warmth and support of this amazing community. COVID-19 isn't gonna stop us!

So, fry up some eggs, brew up some coffee, mix yourself a bloody mary and show up for some holiday camaraderie as we get to know each other better. Havana and Sophia have cooked up some fun frameworks for breakout sessions, group discussions, and even a few games. Got ideas? Put them in the comments and we will try and integrate as many of your ideas as we can!

Two things we will definitely chat about:
Gratitude for the year (despite it all)
& our professional goals for next year.


Is your portfolio the Boogeyman under your bed? You wake up wanting more for your UX career thinking “It’s nothing; it’s fine”, but are too afraid to open up the browser and see what’s hiding under the sheets?

Banish the Boogeyman with Amanda. She’ll walk us through some common portfolio pitfalls and show us how to combine self-discovery, Object-Oriented UX, and Webflow to take your portfolio from incomplete, hot mess, or cookie cutter to confident, clear, and uniquely you!


Are you still facing with selling UX and proving the value of what you do? Or are you curious on how you can better collect and leverage data to help with decision-making and UX strategy? Welp, we've got an all-star line-up of experts ready to share their wisdom on just that.

The panel will be moderated by LTUX co-organizer Sophia Prater and
Havana will be taking questions from the audience, so come with yours!

Interactive Data
Information Design
Information Architecture

In Dan's Lecture, he will give us a tour of his UX Magic framework, focusing on the foundation: UX Grammar. You'll learn how to create an Action-Object Matrix that illustrates the "conceptual grammar" of your system. Then, to reduce cognitive load (and screens!) you'll learn to compress that matrix, making it as dense as possible. As it turns out—

UX Magic is actually a repeatable, learnable science.

Dan's work fits RIGHT into the OOUX Process, enhancing it and validating it. I'm so excited to share his wisdom with you!

UX Design
Information Design
Information Architecture
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