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Seminars Attended

This sub-group of IxDA Atlanta provides a casual environment for professionals, students, and anyone interested in the community of UX. You can participate in the discussion or simply sit back and listen.

This month we are reading the article "The Ultimate Guide to Understanding UX Roles and Which One You Should Go For" by Teo Yu Siang. We'll be discussing misconceptions people have about UX roles and how to identify what role would be a great fit for you. Please review the article before the gathering:

We encourage you to attend this event regardless of whether you can discuss these topics from personal experience or you're just looking for guidance from the UX community.


It’s been here all along, hiding in plain sight: the fact that changing the structure of information changes what information means. Pioneers in fields as disparate as architecture, graphic design, and library science saw it decades ago; but of course, nobody listens to a Cassandra. Happily, the world keeps turning, and many more of us “regular folx” can see it now, too. So what does it look like to work on and change the IA of a product or service for the better?

Klyn and his colleagues at The Understanding Group (TUG) have some answers, and what may be some of the right questions to ask next.

Also, check out the upcoming All-Remote Modeling Workshop from The Understanding Group (TUG) at

Information Architecture

Let’s face it: design systems are tools to largely help developers to create well-designed products. And that’s great! Consistency, headstarts, and shared standards are good for everyone.

But where does that leave designers? How do we exercise the advantages of gorgeous art direction and intuitive interaction design? Why does it feel like the job we’ve been successfully doing for years is quickly fading away?

We had so much fun talking about design systems with Anna, Ying, Ashoomi, and Rachel during our Practice Panel Party earlier this year, that we figured we'd continue the conversation by bringing in Dan Mall to share his perspective.


If there was a cheatcode for getting ahead in your career, it's learning public speaking skills. Speaking effectively can garner buy-in, demonstrate our expertise, drive decisions, and gain recognition in the industry. If speaking in front of a room is a skill you want to cultivate, join us for Impromptu Panel Night!

Learn from your fellow UXers as our speakers discuss the following topics:

1. Design Systems
2. Transitioning into UX
3. Communication and Collaboration with Devs


Join us for a VIRTUAL insightful discussion recapping the recent IxDA's Interaction 20 gathering. We have presentations from Virginia Cagwin, IxDA North America Regional Coordinator, Rebecca Rusk, IxDA ATL Board Member, Tamlin Tromp, Product Designer at Mailchimp and Celine Park, Conversational Designer at The Home Depot.

Virginia and Celine will give us an overview of the event with some key call outs and experiences. Tamlin and Rebecca will present the User Experience Leadership Study they shared for the first time at Interaction 20 in Milan with loads of interesting facts and figures about how leaders lead in our changing and complex UX landscape.

Connect in our virtual space and and feel the excitement of being part of the worldwide community of IxDA people committed to improving the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interaction Design.

We have a limited number of virtual seats for this event, so please only RSVP YES if you can be there. Download ZOOM in advance and look for a follow up email with an updated link. Look forward to seeing you!

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